Dear photo friend,
as announced, we would like to keep you regularly updated on the status of the planning of the 4th Münster Fotomarathon #FMMS2021. So here is the most important advance information on this year’s event:
Münster Fotomarathon online again in 2021
In January, the organising team of Fotofreunde Münsterland e.V. was still hoping that the event would take place again this year in the usual way as a presence event. In view of the tense Corona situation, our team decided at the last planning meeting to hold the Fotomarathon online as a photo half-marathon, just like last year.
This means that we will again be given a main theme and 6 photo titles, which are to be photographically realised within 6 hours on the day of the Fotomarathon (Saturday, September 25th, 2021) and then uploaded.
The FMMS2021 will thus start on 25 September 2021 at 10:00 am (CEST) with the publication of the themes and will end at 4:00 pm. By this time, all photos should have been taken. Editing and uploading of photos will be possible until 20:00.
Ticket sales via our shop will start on 01.05.2021.
Important innovations at the FMMS2021
Simplification of the rules: For the first time, photos may be taken in both portrait and landscape format at FMMS2021. For aesthetic reasons, we still recommend choosing a uniform picture format and aspect ratio. However, the implementation of photo themes in different formats is no longer a disqualification reason.
International participation: The Münster Fotomarathon will be held as an international / European competition for the first time in 2021. The online version and the associated independence of location will make it possible for us to open our event to participants from abroad or to English-speaking participants. All documents (homepage, rules, posts, etc.) will therefore be bilingual (in German & English).
So if you have English-speaking photo friends at home or abroad, there’s nothing to stop you taking part in the Münster Fotomarathon together.
Note: All times apply to Central European Summer Time (CEST), which corresponds to Universal Time + 2 hours (UTC+2) in the months April to October.