Fotomarathons in Germany and Europe

A photo marathon is always about creating a photo series on given topics within a certain time. The resulting photo series are then reviewed by an independent jury and awarded attractive prizes.

This idea of a photo competition has already been implemented in many German cities such as Berlin, Hamburg or Münster.

On the web (see sources below) you can find various lists and maps of German cities where photo marathons are currently being held. We have compiled the cities from the various sources with a link to the homepage. In brackets is – as far as we know – the year of the first Fotomarathon in the respective city.

However, other European cities have also been organizing photo competitions in the form of a photo marathon for years, as the following examples show:

Do you know of any other active photo marathons in Germany or Europe? Then feel free to leave a comment below this post – ideally including the URL to the organizers’ homepage. We will update this post regularly.

Everyone can participate.

If you have a digital camera with storage media and feel like taking on the challenge, then you are cordially invited to join the Münster Fotomarathon. It doesn’t matter if you are a layman or a professional, if you want to come alone or as a group, if you are from Münster or not – the main thing is that you are creative and like to take pictures.

This year the number of participants is limited to 100. If more participants register than there are starting places available, the order of registration will decide: The one who has registered first is in!

Tickets für the Münster Fotomarathon

The FMMS2021 will already take place on September 25, 2021 and will (due to Corona) be held as an online photo marathon.

Tickets are available in our store at

Free tickets for orgateams of the other Fotomarathons

By the way, as it is a good old tradition, we also have 2 free tickets available for the organizing teams of the other Fotomarathons. So if you are an organizer of a photo marathon in Germany, Europe or the world, just send us an e-mail to We are looking forward to you …
